Travelling with IQOS

Jul 17, 2024

Your IQOS and you: tips for a carefree trip

You’ve packed. The passport is in your right pocket, you turned the lights off, and locked the door? Have you really thought of everything? But have you read up on the rules to follow when traveling with your IQOS device?

We've put together the ultimate guide on traveling with your IQOS device.

IMPORTANT: Before you travel, find out whether you can bring your IQOS and suitable tobacco sticks into your destination country. In some countries, the possession of tobacco heaters, e-cigarettes and liquids is strictly prohibited and can be punished with severe penalties. These include vacation countries such as Brazil, Singapore and Thailand (as of May 2024).

1. The travel preparations

The most important thing right at the start: always fully charge your IQOS before starting your journey. It's annoying if the battery suddenly fails when you're traveling. Whether it's a relaxing beach vacation, a mountain tour or a city trip - a powerful battery is needed everywhere. Thanks to its long battery life, IQOS is your ideal travel companion.

Are you planning a backpacking trip or island hopping and don't always have a power outlet available on your trip? Then we have three tips for you on how to optimize the battery life of your IQOS device.

The IQOS ORIGINALS models have a battery capacity for around 20 uses without having to recharge in between. To make full use of this capacity, make sure that your device is not exposed to excessive heat or low temperatures. The ideal temperature for the longest possible battery life is between 15 and 25 °C. Switch the device off when you are not using it - this also saves the battery.  

EXTRA TIP: Mini power banks with a capacity of 10,000 mAh are available in credit card format. You hardly notice their weight and size in your luggage - but you can use them to recharge your IQOS without a socket.

Last but not least: be prepared for anything. You don't know what to expect on your trip. The best way to protect your device from dirt, moisture, scratches or damage while on the move is to transport it in a suitable silicone sleeve. This prevents the ingress of sand and dust as well as damage caused by knocks, dropping or sharp edges. To keep moisture away from your IQOS in particular - e.g. on the beach, when sailing, on a rainy hiking tour or when cycling - also put your device in a waterproof bag. 

Vorbereitungen Reisen mit IQOS

2. Packing list for traveling with IQOS

Here you will find a practical checklist to make packing for your trip easier. Please note that this list may vary depending on the IQOS device.

•    IQOS device
•    IQOS USB power adapter and USB charging cable
•    IQOS cleaning pen and cleaning sticks
•    IQOS silicone case

Regardless of whether you are flying, driving, taking a cruise or taking the train: Check with your tour operator in advance whether tobacco heaters are permitted and if so, in what quantities. 
Whether and, if so, where exactly you are allowed to use your tobacco heater when traveling can vary from country to country - regardless of whether you are traveling to an EU country or a non-EU country. In the EU, the same rules generally apply to the use of tobacco heaters as for smoking cigarettes. No smoking signs and designated smoking areas are therefore also important points of reference for you if you want to use your tobacco heater. Rules and regulations can change at any time in any country: In detail, you must actively find out before you travel whether the use of tobacco heaters is permitted in your vacation destination and, if so, under what conditions. 



3. What to consider when traveling by plane, car, train or ship

IQOS auf Flugreisen

IQOS on air travel
Whether at the airport or on the plane - when taking and using IQOS on flights, there are a few points that you should definitely know and observe.

Taking IQOS with you on the plane.
Pack your IQOS device in your hand luggage* when traveling by plane. Many airlines do not allow you to carry an IQOS device in your checked baggage. The regulations for carrying tobacco heaters on airplanes can vary depending on the airline, country and current safety guidelines. You should therefore check with the airline how many devices you can take with you. The import regulations of the destination country determine whether and how many tobacco sticks you are allowed to import duty-free. Also find out whether you have to declare goods at the airport security checkpoint. You may be asked to show them to the security staff or place them in a separate compartment for inspection.

*This is due to the battery: battery-operated devices and power banks must be transported in hand luggage on almost all airlines.

Using your IQOS at the airport and on the plane.
You can only use your IQOS device in designated “smoking areas”, which are available at some airports. Certain rules apply to areas of use in airports. The use of IQOS is not permitted on airplanes, as smoking is prohibited here.

Traveling in the car
Always charge your IQOS before you set off or use a car charger that is compatible with your device. Your IQOS should not be exposed to direct sunlight, heat or moisture. Therefore, keep it in a cool and dry place and do not leave it on the dashboard or on a car seat in direct sunlight.

Important when driving: Drive responsibly and carefully. Be considerate and do not use your IQOS when pregnant women, minors or people with pre-existing conditions are traveling with you, or when your passengers do not want to be exposed to nicotine-containing aerosol.

IQOS auf Schiffreisen

Traveling on ships, cruises or ferries
Check with the ship or cruise line before you travel to find out what and how much you can take on board and whether you need to declare this at the security checkpoint.As with air travel, you may have to show your IQOS device to security staff or hand it over for screening.Always keep your IQOS device in your hand luggage and not in your baggage. Please note that you may not be allowed to use your IQOS in the ship's cabin or in an enclosed area. Often only designated areas or outdoor areas are permitted for use. 

Information without guarantee. Please contact your cruise line yourself to find out which rules and regulations apply. 

IQOS auf Zugreisen

Traveling by train
The Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) equate the use of tobacco heaters with smoking cigarettes. The use of tobacco heaters is therefore prohibited in all trains and on the railroad tracks.

Reisen mit IQOS


4. How to protect your IQOS from moisture, cold and heat

The recommended operating temperature for IQOS is between 0ºC and 40ºC. The devices function optimally in this temperature range.As IQOS is a technical device, the functioning of your tobacco heater can be affected by extreme temperatures.

Here are some tips to help you use and store your IQOS device optimally when traveling:

Avoid water damage: If you are traveling by boat, on a cruise ship, ferry, or other waterborne mode of transportation, you should protect your IQOS from water damage. Place it in a waterproof container or bag. If your device gets wet, switch it off immediately. Do not use heat sources such as hair dryers, microwaves, ovens or direct sunlight to dry your device as this may further damage it. Do not charge your device and contact our IQOS experts in the event of water damage.

IQOS in cold weather: If you are on vacation in a colder region, you should keep your IQOS warm and dry. If your device gets too cold, warm it up slowly before using it. To do this, simply rub it gently between your hands. Note that the LED light on your IQOS flashes white when your device has become too cold.

TOP TIP: In cold weather, keep your device in an inner pocket close to your body to keep it as warm as possible.

IQOS in the heat: Never expose your IQOS device to direct sunlight. In addition, you should not leave it in a car or other enclosed space exposed to direct sunlight. Allow your IQOS device to cool down before using it. A flashing white LED light indicates that your device is too hot and needs to cool down before you can use it again.

TOP TIP: Don't forget to add your IQOS device to your account to benefit from our IQOS Accident Protection. This means that your IQOS device is protected within the first year of purchase, even in the event of the first accidental damage caused by you (no repeated or multiple replacement/repair) - even when traveling.

IQOS auf Reisen

5. IQOS troubleshooting on vacation

IQOS is there for you in 65 countries - and can be reached from anywhere in the world. If you are traveling with an IQOS device and your device has a fault, you can contact our IQOS experts at any time. Our international support is also there for you abroad. You can find more information here.   

IQOS auf Reisen

Our best tobacco heaters so far
We hope you find this guide helpful. If you have any further questions or need additional support, please do not hesitate to contact our IQOS experts.

Still need the right tobacco heater for your next trip? Find out more about our IQOS ORIGINALS devices here.

We wish you a relaxing journey with IQOS.