iqos heizblatt

Nov 12, 2020

Your IQOS heating blade broke? This is what you need to do

In order to understand how IQOS works and use it correctly, it is important that you understand what it houses and how this revolutionary electronic device works.


Why is the heating blade so important?

The heart of IQOS houses the heating blade made from ceramic and elements of platinum, gold and silver. This blade is part of the sophisticated Heat-Not-Burn Technology, whose main function is to heat the units of tobacco for heating in a controlled manner, thereby assuring that the temperature of 350ºC is not exceeded. If we want to ensure its optimal function at all times, it is very important not to damage it. Below, we will explain how to monitor its condition and avoid possible damage.


How to see if your IQOS heating blade is broken.

1. Remove the Cap from your device..

2. Check the condition of the blade.

3. If the tip is missing, or the blade is twisted or broken, it is probably damaged.

Such damage may be caused by incorrect device use or cleaning. In order to make sure that it is the heating blade and not something else that is malfunctioning in your device, contact our IQOS Care Team daily between 9AM and 9PM via:

  • Live Chat (bottom right of our web page)
  • e-mail at [email protected]
  • phone at 0800 90 10 91 (free of charge within Austria)


How to prevent your IQOS heating blade from breaking.

The heating blade is the real heart of your device; correct use and cleaning will keep it safe from any damage or breakage so take the following advice and enjoy your IQOS to the best of its performance.

1. Make sure that you are using your IQOS device correctly.

Insert the unit of tobacco for heating up to the filter line and press the device button to activate the heating blade. Never twist the unit of tobacco for heating inside your IQOS. Before starting to use IQOS, press the button until it vibrates and wait until the white light stays. In this article we explain how to use, charge and clean your IQOS.

2. Make sure that you clean the device and in particular your IQOS heating blade.

It is recommended to clean the device after 20 uses. Before cleaning it, it must have cooled completely.

3. Use the IQOS Cleaning Tool & Cleaning Sticks.

It is very important to use the IQOS Cleaning Tool and not any other tools, as they may damage the device and break the heating blade. Once the device has cooled, position the Cleaning Tool and twist carefully. Lastly, use a IQOS Cleaning Stick to gently clean around the heating blade.


IQOS Care Team services and device replacement options.

It is a pleasure for us to assist you throughout your IQOS experience and this is why we are pleased to provide you with our IQOS Care Team, where our experts can help you solve any doubts and problems. If your device is still under our voluntary warranty and your problem is covered by it, we will be only too happy to offer you a replacement device via our rapid replacement service, where, in case of coverage, your device is being exchanged mostly within 3 hours.
Contact our IQOS Care Team every day between 9AM and 9PM to find out more about the coverage offered and how to have your device repaired. You can talk to the IQOS Care Team via Live Chat (bottom right of our web page), e-mail ([email protected]) or phone (0800 90 10 91) – they will be happy to assist to your query.