Personalized tips and tricks for IQOS

You can look forward to a call from our IQOS experts from the number 0800 900 099

It is important for us to support you at all times
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Step 1:
Unpacking your IQOS

You have received your IQOS and are about to use it for the first time.

Step 2:
Welcome Call

A few days after your purchase, you receive a call from our IQOS experts from the number 0800 900 099. 
You will receive tips and tricks on how to use your device and take care of it. If you wish, you can learn more about how to benefit from our referral program. We look forward to getting to know you better and finding out how you are doing with IQOS.

Step 3:
IQOS Community

If you wish to share you experience with others, you can join our IQOS Community.